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Cheating death: The latest research on aging and immortality from a Nobel Prize-winning scientist

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Shift Your Mindset: Exploring Aging, Death, and Immortality #

Humans have long been fascinated with the idea of cheating death and extending their lifespan. In the quest for immortality, scientists have made significant advancements that bring science fiction closer to reality. However, questions arise about whether eternal life is truly desirable. In a new book, a molecular biologist delves into the science of aging and the pursuit of immortality, raising critical societal, political, and ethical concerns. The lifespan of humans has already doubled in the past 150 years due to improved understanding of diseases. While there is no fixed limit to human lifespan, various factors, including evolution and resource allocation, influence how long organisms live. The oldest recorded human lived to be 122 years old, but strategies like smoking and excessive chocolate consumption are not recommended for longevity. Researchers have explored reversing the aging clock through cellular reprogramming and cloning, but challenges remain in translating these findings to humans. While genetics play a role in aging and longevity, it only accounts for a portion of lifespan. The relationship between cancer and aging is complex, with some genes aiding growth in youth but increasing the risk of cancer and dementia in old age. Understanding these dynamics can inform anti-aging research. Overall, the pursuit of longevity and immortality brings both fascinating possibilities and complex considerations for society.