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CNN 5 Good Things

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5-Year-Old Becomes Youngest to Get a Bionic Arm #

A 5-year-old child with a love for superheroes has received a bionic arm modeled after Iron Man. The young boy, born without a left hand, is believed to be the youngest person to receive this type of arm. The arm, designed by Open Bionics, features the iconic red and gold details of Iron Man’s suit. The child has been using the arm for a month and has been able to perform various tasks with it, improving his confidence and emotional well-being.

‘Grandmother of Juneteenth’ Receives New Home #

Opal Lee, a 97-year-old advocate for Juneteenth, has received a new house on the lot where her childhood home once stood. Lee fought for years to establish Juneteenth as a national holiday and leads an annual walk to commemorate the end of slavery. In 1939, her family’s home was burned down by a racist mob. Now, with the help of community organizations, she has a new, fully furnished house built on the same corner lot.

Rare White Bison Calf Photographed in Yellowstone #

A wildlife photographer captured the first photo of a rare white bison calf in Yellowstone National Park. The birth of the white calf is seen as fulfilling a Lakota prophecy. Chief Arvol Looking Horse, a spiritual leader, explains that the presence of white animals signifies a message from Mother Earth. The calf serves as a reminder of the need for global unity and action to protect the environment.

Potentially Habitable Planet Discovered #

Scientists have discovered a new exoplanet named Gliese 12b, located 40 light-years away from Earth. The planet falls within the habitable zone, where conditions may be suitable for liquid water to exist. Researchers believe this planet could potentially support human life. Further exploration and analysis will be conducted to determine if the planet has the necessary resources to sustain life.

World’s Largest 3D Printer Builds Wood Fiber Homes #

The world’s largest 3D printer is being used to build homes made from wood fiber. The printer, developed by the University of Maine’s Advanced Structures Composites Center, constructs 600-square-foot, one-bedroom homes using biomaterials. The use of wood fiber as a construction material provides both architectural flexibility and a warm feeling within the homes. The goal is to make these homes available on the market within the next few years, with plans for larger homes and a community for people experiencing homelessness in the future.