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Title: Google Reports Strong Quarterly Earnings Despite Antitrust Probe #

Google recently released its quarterly earnings report, demonstrating impressive financial performance despite ongoing antitrust investigations. The tech giant exceeded revenue expectations, generating $55.3 billion in the first quarter of 2021. A significant contributor to this success was Google’s advertising business, which saw a 32% YoY increase. The company’s cloud computing division also experienced substantial growth, with a revenue surge of 45% YoY. Despite the ongoing regulatory scrutiny, Google remains profitable and continues to diversify its revenue sources.

Google Reports Strong Quarterly Earnings Despite Antitrust Probe #

Google’s Q1 2021 earnings report surpassed expectations, with a revenue of $55.3 billion. The company’s advertising business saw a 32% YoY growth, while its cloud computing division experienced a 45% YoY revenue surge. This impressive financial performance comes despite ongoing antitrust investigations. Google remains profitable and continues to diversify its revenue sources.